Wednesday, December 3, 2008

broken heartedness

Evening’s lure sent me strolling in pubs,
Then I found her, staring into a glass
Half full with wine, red as redeem;
There she sat, laughing her tears out.

A glass of wine and a solitary woman,
A perfect pair for a shivering hunter,
Seeking a snuggle, a burrow and a thrill;
Sliding next to her, I offered a shoulder.

Blinded to beauty and deaf to sensations,
Her sphere of thoughts was a galaxy away,
Her whims and wishes cast in concrete;
Her emotions soured with vengeance.

Short, icy replies, my conversations stirred,
Aerated anger aired, purged with ferocity,
An accommodating heart has hardened;
And revulsion tinged everything around her.

Thwarted fantasies had exhausted her,
Draping her strength with livid illusions,
As marooned as a pirate with emotions;
Her world was narrow and dark as hell.

Meaning has lost footing on solid ground,
Like shattered glass, her thoughts scattered,
Incited, infuriated and resigned to evil;
Her purpose, a revenge seeking compassion.


Anonymous said...

hi, this is a good piece. it really puts one in the world of a heart broken person (woman) and captures the essential reasons for most women's hostility. keep the good works

Anonymous said...

hi, this is a good piece. it really puts one in the world of a heart broken person (woman) and captures the essential reasons for most women's hostility. keep the good works