Wednesday, December 17, 2008

a drop of libation

My ancestors’ prayed a prayer,
By pouring strong drink onto earth,
It sounded different, but unto God,
They prayed and implored
Twerepom Kwame, a drink,
We show you this drink,
But we do not offer it to you.
Asaase Yaa, a drink,
All ye gods and goddess, a drink
Spirits and souls of our ancestors,
Of our great motherland, a drink,
A drink we offer thee.
This day, we entrust ourselves,
your people, our country and
your realm into your hands;
Our request, your divine guidance,
The peace and joy, you offer;
A plentiful harvest and good health.
Wisdom, we ask, for our leaders,
The executive, judiciary and legislators.
For ourselves, we solicit for love,
Of self, neighbour and of nation.
An adherence to truth and
Obedience of the laws of the state.
Any force, which will arise,
Against our kingdom and its people,
Seeking to hamper the harmony,
And the prosperity you have created,
Any power, that hounds our sovereignty,
We cast to you, O sea god, a drink,
Drown and swallow them, a drink,
A drink to all you gods, a drink.

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