Monday, October 6, 2008

arrogance of men

How apt, the way they affront us;

We, who made them leaders of the people,

We, who sang and chanted the slogans,

Bracing threats and trial, we gave hearts.

We gave little, they spurred with motivation;

We give much and they suffer arrogance,

Obsessive infatuations, as truth they preach,

Requiring us to eulogized them.

Admitting no limits, and clothed in conceit.

Their confidence has sadly gone awry,

Swathing inefficiencies and inner emptiness,

They venerate hollow edifices of ego now.

Manufactured eminence, they vaunt over us,

Causing us to dwell woefully on our limitations,

Fearing exposure, they suppress our views,

Using the media as their propaganda machinery.

They are afraid to become ordinary men;

Their pride has concretised into a hard crust,

And maturity has escaped them, insulating

Their senses and making them insensitive.

With bloated bellies and boastful tongues,

Chauvinism, lust and greed, has filled their hearts,

We, who hailed them, now covet their crucifixion,

And why not, they have become arrogant.

Arrogance is a viral disease – disseminating;

Breeding intolerance and manifesting egoism,

It’s the dominion of effrontery, pompously uppity,

A barrier on our will to love it has erected,

How can we hand leadership to diseased men?

They will, but contaminate us with their infirmity,

Our children, our image created, are at risk,

Rid men of their arrogance, our souls plead.

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