Monday, October 13, 2008

please, marry me

Fistfuls of marriages, idyllic marriages;
Lots of both, have I seen,
I know not, what mine will be-
But I pray thee, please marry me.

My hopes for tomorrow, are centred,
On us, you are the affirmation of me,
How else, can I inhale and exhale-
But on my knees, please marry me.

Like a rudder, you steer my vessel,
We are bound for better and/or worse,
Fare we well, the wind’s taken sail-
You are my compass, please marry me.

Every new day, I fall in love again,
With you, my heart beats as a devotee,
By your side, I want to spend my days-
Doting on you, please marry me.

My poise is in you, my sight and vision,
Your eyes like mirror, I see myself in it,
With elegance, you groomed a gentleman-
I offer thee this ring, please marry me.

1 comment:

cuty said...

wow, that's a nice one. Is it something you feel strongly about or it is just a poem?