Who am I?
So harmless a question it seems,
Yes I think I know who I am.
I’m intelligent, witty, beautiful,
imaginative, and compassionate.
Hey, what about greedy,
angry, petty, distrustful, bitter?
Who am I?
This is an eye-opener;
An awareness, a little uneasiness,
I don't know me that well,
There is a dire desire
burning inside me now;
Wanting to know me.
Who am I?
Wonderfully and fearfully made I’m told;
One who has dominion over all things,
Created in the very image of Onyame.
I am who, I am.
Who am I?
They say my ancestors evolved from the apes;
Wonder what my descendents would evolve into,
Homo sapien amphibious flyer,
I am fit, thus I survive.
Who am I?
A soul searching journey
or a soul search engine;
Enter myself and what do I unearth,
A name, attitudes, skills and habits.
And my DNA, my genetic signature.
Who am I?
Why do I think the thoughts I think?
Why do I walk with a slighted limp?
Why do I feel such octaves of emotions?
But most importantly, why am I me?
Who am I?
I don't know if you’ve ask,
asked yourself who you are.
Strange but I don't think I know who I am,
I thought....., oh mine,
How can I be so daft?
I need to find meaning.
Who am I?
The way I walk, run, talk,
cry, laugh, write and sing.
Whom and where
did I pick such qualities from?
The things I have studied and learned,
How has it shaped my life and thus me?
Who am I?
I can see and feel in me,
a part of my parents,
My walk, an animation of the neighbour.
Laughter, I imitated that lady,
The one with the hatful hat,
And teacher Kwamina
has influenced my writing.
Who am I?
I’m everything I’ve heard,
seen, touched, tasted and felt.
I will be all I hear, see,
touch, taste and feel
They are traits, attitudes,
perceptions, skills and habits
Of parents, friends, neighbours,
enemies, heroes and villains
Who am I?
I’m an embodiment of all around me;
I have imitated and mimicked,
different experiences in life,
My way of such performance,
is what makes me unique.
Who am I? I am a part of you–
every one of you.
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